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    Kicking off Spring on the Right Foot

    Spring officially starts on Monday. Eager to shed the chill of Winter with these past Sparks that bring hope.

    Pink flowers from a tree under a clear blue sky

    Spring officially starts on Monday and I am eager to shed the chill of Winter. I am buoyed by the sense of rejuvenation and new beginnings that the season always brings, coupled with the extra hour of light in the day. With that hope and optimism, I wanted to share with you the Sparks that kept me going through the cold, dark Winter:

    • Four Reasons for Hope in Trying Times - We are fully capable of fixing the world’s most pressing problems. Read More
    • Living Into Our Values at Work and at Home - The last two years have dramatically reshaped people’s values, perhaps your own values, in ways we are just beginning to understand. Read More
    • Employees Are The Key To Net Zero Success - To get to Net Zero, companies need to engage employees & help them understand their carbon footprints, which catalyzes action & innovation. Read More
    • For Tech Leaders, Ukraine Is Personal - As business tech leaders, we should speak out loudly for peace and support humanitarian efforts already underway. Read More
    • Inclusion Overcomes Hate - Rabbi Cytron-Walker’s effort to create a welcoming environment for all in spite of danger is a testament that inclusion overcomes hate. Read More
    • Look for Hope to Boost Mental Health - Maintaining hope, especially in difficult times, is key to boosting mental health and wellbeing. Read More

    While the invasion of Ukraine is the latest in what seems like a never ending stream of conflicts, disasters, and global crises, not to mention the normalizing of pandemic living, there are always moments of light in the darkness. Last week, we brought together 4 companies and the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation in an inspiring conversation about Innovative Approaches and Courageous Company Responses to Ukraine sharing tips and best practices for responding to Ukraine with speed, passion, and impact. Watch the Recording here.

    Last month, Susan spoke at GreenBiz22 — a conference of 1,400 Sustainability leaders invigorated to use business to achieve bold climate goals and help us head off climate disaster. Events like these show the promise of our ingenuity and power of our interconnectedness. Hope is a powerful motivator, builds our resilience, and gives us the courage to put one foot in front of the other, and sometimes do the impossible.

    Quote of the week: Nothing ever seems impossible in spring, you know.
    L.M. Montgomery

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