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    Attracting Top Talent: 5 Ways ESG Boosts Your Employer Brand

    five tips to help you make sure ESG is front and center for both current employees and future candidates!

    Three female colleagues in an office on their laptops smiling

    Recent research from Carol Cone On Purpose shows that 84% of employees say they will only work for a purpose-driven company - and that is especially true of younger employees. This is a huge opportunity for ESG, Human Resources and Employment Brand teams to work together to showcase their work and their companies’ commitments to help attract and retain top talent.

    Five tips to help you make sure ESG is front and center for both current employees and future candidates:

    This may seem obvious, but if you offer employees paid time off to volunteer or a matching gift program, say it and repeat it wherever you can: in your description of benefits, on your website and careers page, on social media, on Glassdoor, and in your new employee orientation - anywhere you can.

    2. Create a dedicated ESG page on your website:

    A dedicated page that talks about the great work you do and links to any ESG reports and policies, public statements, press releases, media coverage, etc. is important from a transparency standpoint, but also sends a message to candidates visiting your website to learn more about the company.

    3. Lean into surveys:

    “Best Place to Work” surveys are an investment, but can help showcase your commitments to the community and build credibility. One great example is the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index. Companies that earn a 100 percent rating also earn the designation of being a “Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality” and access to a number of resources to help promote this designation - from Best Place to Work logos to physical plaques and social media recognition.

    4. Give your careers website a boost:

    Make sure your careers website talks about the work you’re doing in DEI, for the community, in sustainability, and more - this is a great place to list those ESG-related benefits and “best place to work” accolades. This information could be the differentiator that sets your company apart for a candidate, so it should be front and center for anyone interested in a job at your company.

    5. Leverage social media:

    There are lots of ways to showcase your CSR work and commitments on social media. For example, if your company has a “life at [company]” or a careers social channel, post about your employees participating in volunteering activities. If you’re using the WeSpire's corporate volunteerism software, you can easily track volunteer hours and gather photos and quotes to use in these posts. And secondly, give your employees the tools to be your evangelists on LinkedIn or other channels by giving them template posts that they can tailor to celebrate your CSR accomplishments.

    What other tips are working for you when it comes to using ESG initiatives to build your employer brand? Let us know by emailing!

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